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Instructor Spotlight: Beverly Jensen

1. How long have you been teaching at Garden Street?

Just over a year. I started as a substitute on Friday evenings, then was added to the schedule in September!

2. What do you teach at Garden Street?

I teach acrobatics, jazz technique and adult tap (which is a lot of fun, so come dance with us!)

3. What is your favorite thing about Garden Street students?

All of my Garden Street students are very creative and have a passion for performing! My students all get along and encourage each other in a positive manner, which is an important virtue!

4. What initially drew you to the performing arts?

At my dance studio in Canada, our team was like family. We grew up together, and were close friends. Going to workout at the dance studio was ingrained, and something I thoroughly enjoyed. When I got onstage I felt a rush in my heart- and that is when I knew I wanted a career in dance.

5. Where do you draw your inspiration from when choreographing?

Mostly, from the music. I often will go see shows, be inspired by phrases and create something of my own.

6. Where are you from and why did you move to the area?

I'm from Toronto, Canada and I moved here to go to performing arts school. Then I stayed to be in the hub of showbiz...

7. What advice do you have for dancers?

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. It is what will take you furthest in life. Respect your parents and their sacrifice to help you pursue art. Respect yourself by always doing your best, your body by doing a proper warm up and nourishing yourself properly. And respect your teachers, they pass on their experience and knowledge to you and are there to encourage you!

8. What is your teaching philosophy?

Always do your best and try to out do yourself, it's the best way to grow! Also, don't wait for a stage to perform, start in the studio!

9. What is your favorite performance memory?

Traveling to Asia on tour with 42nd Street and getting to practice "the stair dance" on the stairs of the Great Wall with cast mates.

10. What would you do if you were not a teacher?

I love creating, teaching and performing- I would be miserable doing anything else.

11. Do you have any dream roles?

Velma in Chicago OR Janet in Drowsy Chaperone.

12. What is an interesting or unexpected fact about you that most students do not know?

I play a very good APE.

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